Telegram commands to manage bots - Telegram Robots (bots, chatbots) are automated accounts which make it easier to solve lots of tasks while working with a messenger. Create your own commands php-telegram Before creating your custom commands, you have to install the PHP Telegram Bot library. Using your image as an example, these lines should do: start - Description menu - Description help - Description stop.
Head over to the example-bot repository for basic installation instructions. Pick the bot for which you want to set the command menu. Bots: An introduction for developers - Telegram APIs Tutorial about how to set up and use commands with Telegram Bots in PHP with your own Telegram Bot s. He will present you with a list of your bots.
To put it simply, a robot is a small assistant ready to unconditional execution of Telegram commands set by a user. Every command must have a method called execute, which gets executed when your command is. The Commands Handler System is smart enough to trigger the right command when it sees one in an inbound message from Telegram.
Bots FAQ - Telegram In the Telegram App, open the chat with BotFather. The SDK comes with a commands system that lets you handle and manage all inbound commands seamlessly and efficiently. How to use Commands with Telegram Bots Patrick Lemke. Commands System - Telegram Bot API SDK Commands Introduction. Bedrijfsgegevens Lexa: Meetic Meetic, BP 10 921Boulogne Cedex, Frankrijk, Customer Care Team in Nederland.
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Telegram commands to manage bots - Telegram
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