Conference Education Matters - Dec 1 20If you wish to contribute a post to this blog send an to sters at with your inquiry. Call for papers Links phec Education, culture and society. - the ECS option is only recommended for students with a degree in Science, in Engineering or Applied Economics (majoring in Informatics). Save the date: 18-September 201 Leuven, Belgium. Welkom op de site van het Laboratorium voor Educatie en Samenleving. Indien u op de hoogte wenst te blijven van de activiteiten van de onderzoeksgroep, klik hier.
The participants in LIPFUS coming from various disciplines study the university and its future in all its aspects. In the ECS-option, the thesis-project should involve the development of or the experimentation with a small-scale AI-system. The ECS is proud to announce that travel fellowships have been awarded to participate at the 15th International Meeting of the European Calcium Society (Hamburg, Germany 9-Sept.
Students should have thorough knowledge of at least one programming language, should master an object oriented programming and have sufficient background in Mathematics.
Sep 2 20Philosophy of Higher Education Conference - Leuven 2019. In 19the European Calcium Society (ECS) was officially create a web site was launche newsletters started to be published on a regular basis, and the ECS grew. Part of the master s thesis should consist of a critical positioning of the topic of the thesis-project within the broader setting of A.I.
Blog posts must be argumentative in nature, unpublished before and must relate to issues in education, or with culture and society seen from an educational perspective. Laboratory for Education and Society Navigation. The Leuven Interdisciplinary Platform for Future University Studies (LIPFUS ) assembles scholars from KU Leuven with an interest in investigating the role and shape of universities in the future.
De commissie heeft als taak om de onder sub a genoemde verpleegkundige vervolgopleidingen qua inhoud en niveau te toetsen op gelijkwaardigheid aan het hbo-verpleegkundige opleidingsprofiel, met het oog op de overgangsregeling van het wetsvoorstel Wet BIG II.
Conference Education Matters
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